Caritas Kabale is the social services and economic development Department of Kabale diocese mandated to improve livelihoods of the poor, vulnerable and marginalized persons through programmes such as; sustainable agriculture, environmental conservation and protection, financial literacy and entrepreneurship, women promotion, health and sanitation, support to orphans and vulnerable children.
CIPA is an indigenous NGO, committed to working with relevant duty bearers to improve the lives of vulnerable communities through the promotion of the full realization of social, economic, and civil rights of vulnerable persons in the Southern Central Region of Uganda. They envision a poverty free society where all people enjoy their rights to the fullest.
EADEN was formed in 2009 to coordinate the development interventions and programs of the Caritas Commissions of the Catholic Church in addressing social injustices and poverty in the communities of Eastern Uganda. They focus on promoting social and economic development amongst communities through coordination, capacity building, climate action, research and advocacy.
InPact is a Ugandan non-profit committed to improving the quality of life of individuals and communities through innovative development solutions. They employ a community-led development model and strategic partnership approach to address the complex realities and needs of children, youth, women, marginalized communities and special interest groups.
UMURDA is a faith-based NGO that carries out development work impacting on all irrespective of any affiliations. Their vision is to have a healthy, skilled and self-reliant rural community. The mission of UMURDA is to build capacities of rural communities to influence change for sustainable development through training, information sharing, and advocacy.
RACA is a local non-governmental organization in Rakai District of central Uganda. The organization was initiated in 1993 by 62 volunteer AIDS counselors as a response to the needs of the HIV/AIDS affected individuals in its area of operation. RACA has undertaken several HIV/AIDS projects with special emphasis on awareness creation, psycho-social support, education, empowerment, child protection and legal support, and material support to vulnerable groups.
BRDC was opened in 1995 to serve the community in Bungokho and the immediate area. BRDC is operated by the Church Army Africa and offers children’s education, vocational training, tree planting, and community training opportunities.